Traveling is a blessing not everyone can enjoy, so when you indulge in this precious past time, be sure to make it unforgettable! Once you’ve ‘seen it all’, then what? You can start looking for special and niche experiences to fill your heart.
With all the countless opportunities and delightful places the world offers us to view and experience though, it’s difficult to see absolutely everything before we depart this life. So carefully selecting our stops is important. Not everything will appeal to everyone, although keeping an open mind is important.
Some things can change us in positive ways, or awaken new interests we may not have considered in the past. For eg., you may not have an interest in history (though who wouldn’t?! Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it!) However a visit to an exquisite castle built in the 1000’s, or 1500’s, or even 1700s, may awaken a deep appreciation for those who endured before us.
What was life really like for them? What did they eat? Was it safe? What were their dreams, fears, disappointments? It could open a whole new world of exploration! If you’re more close minded and not big on exploring new ideas, you’ll still want to select your travel choices in order to take the best advantage of your travel time.
Studies show that travel can make you smarter and healthier. And exciting places are certainly more exciting when you’re planning it to share with a date or girlfriend. With such benefits, it’s time we create a brief list of some unique must-see destinations.
1. Go Inside Jordan’s Enchanting City of Stone
The “Rose City” is a honeycomb of hand-slashed caverns, sanctuaries, and burial places cut from flushed pink sandstone in the high desert of Jordan nearly quite a while back. Concealed by time and moving sand, Petra recounts a lost civilization.
Only a few people know the significance of the Nabateans — a traveling desert people whose realm ascended from these cliffs and pinnacles, and whose staggering wealth developed from the rewarding incense trades. These individuals cut into the stone face, the Treasury and the Monastery. Imagine the work!
Both have unquestionable Hellenistic highlights, with lavish Corinthian segments, and whimsical acroteria. Realizing that such compositional accomplishments were achieved via stone-cutting starting from the top makes it much more awe-inspiring and amazing.Petra’s design peculiarities are many, including the refined water framework that maintained 30,000 occupants. Cut into the twisting passageway of the Siq, the water system channel drops 12 feet throughout a mile, while underground reservoirs put away overflow to be utilized in drier seasons. An unforgettable experience, and a fascinating visit to say the least!
2. Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
Reflective land, white gem salt, endless views, ice-scratched mountains, natural flora and fauna, and all this situated 4000 km above sea level. Combine amazing, beautiful tidal ponds with hot volcanoes, fountains, and warm natural aquifers – this well-known place is, without a doubt, a remarkable and fantastic travel experience that you will never forget!
Experience the world’s biggest salt flats in Salar de Uyuni. This huge salt flat, the biggest on the planet, traverses a gigantic 4,086 square miles. Shaped by a few old lakes, this salt flat turns out to be so reflective in the stormy season that scientists and engineers use it in calibrating satellites! It’s really the world’s biggest mirror, and a stunning sight. It’s a must-see in a life time.
3. Aurora Australis, Antarctica
While the North Pole displays the beautiful Aurora Borealis, the South Pole has the Aurora Australis. The most astounding place to see the Aurora Australis, or “Southern Lights,” is the wild and untamed landmass of Antarctica. It is just viewable from the southern scopes, and has never been seen over the 30-degree scope line.
This phenomenon frequently shows up as a shining green or red drapery of light in the night sky. In spite of the fact that there is no conclusive aurora cycle, they are related to solar wind action and generally appear at the peak of sunspot cycles. Auroras are a picture taker’s fantasy, and genuinely a rare encounter. One feels awfully insignificant and uniquely blessed at the same time, when viewing such magnificence.
The best part is, each viewing experience is different for each individual, particularly when they visit at various times of the year. Each aurora is unique, hand-painted live by nature – which makes this such a thrilling and magical experience. The experience of a lifetime, and super romantic and impressive for a date!
Allow us to help you plan your exciting luxury trip, and consider which beautiful model you will bring with you, to make your experience unforgettable. Luxury travel needs proper planning; our VIP concierge (travel concierge) can assist you in ensuring a smooth and memorable visit. Don’t forget to take some photos!